Our mission.

We provide the foundational visual coding building blocks to educate students on staying secure and creative in the digital metaverse. Our mission is to teach students how to bring their game ideas and characters to life.


Visual Coding Courses

Minecraft Academy

Learning to code Minecraft mods is a creative and fun process, enhancing your Minecraft development. 

Voxedit Academy

Voxedit is a 3D NFT builder with animation and rigging tools built inside. Learn to create your own digital NFTs.

Gamemaker Academy

Create your own blockchain games in The Sandbox gamemaker. Learn to build games with visual scripting.

What we do.

bringing nfts to life

Digital ownership is the foundation of web3. Learn to create and animate playable avatars in the the blockchain gaming universe. Taking ideas and brining them to life.

Interative Courses

Start your coding journey

The Failure Dynamic

Fail early, fail often. We teach students to take risks in a safe gamified environment.

Flexibility Dynamic

Proving multiple paths to success. Old school gaming had only one way to win. Newer “sandbox” games are more open.

Construction Dynamic

Students build stuff that matters. Students want to create things with a purpose, Minecraft challenges students to create something meaningful.

The Situated Meaning

Learn new ideas by experiencing them. Students learn coding in real-time, as it involves playing with others in the game.

Systems Thinking

Learn how all pieces can fit or be fitted. Games help players see how their actions fit into the bigger picture, not just the individual.

Team Building

Bring players together to learn a common goal. By collaborating and working together, players build community through their avatars in the digital worlds.